How do I become active in charitable work?

Start with a plan. We can match you with an established charity or cause to support or help you create a charity of your own. The three questions you need to answer:

1. Why do we want to make a difference?

2. Is there a clear mission and vision?

3. How do we measure the impact of our giving?

Do I need to spend a lot of my personal money to establish a charity?

An initial investment to get your community service off the ground is sometimes necessary. Once initiated, we will develop a special event and/or community focused plan that minimizes your investment requirements thereafter. Our implementation strategy will increase fundraising for your charitable interest in a way that any further personal investment will be on a voluntary basis.

Will being active in the community require a lot of my time?

You get out what you put in. The more personal time you dedicate to charitable activities, the more rewarding the return. We offer the expertise and team that will work within your time constraints so you never need to worry about charitable activities interfering with your everyday professional commitments. To further eliminate time and schedule issues, you can delegate responsibility amongst your inner circle and appointed committee members to improve the effectiveness of your charitable commitments.

What if I am not passionate about a specific cause?

There are thousands of charitable organizations who would love the opportunity to partner with an athlete or influential member of the community and we can help organize and facilitate such pairings. An individual presence alone in the community can have a positive impact on lives of others, and over time, as you immerse yourself in the community, you may grow passionate about a specific cause.

Is there a possibility that establishing a charitable giving strategy will cause me bad publicity?

Philanthropic and humanitarian efforts have great potential to produce positive press. When your non-profit entity, structure or partnerships are not properly setup, however, legal and tax issues may develop and may be publicized. It is crucial that you get the proper support from the beginning to avoid the possibility of such occurrences. Our team of expert advisors allows you to focus on making a difference and reduce risks.